Muggie Maggie - Lesson 5

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Objective: Students will be able to:

      Use simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading including use of multiple meanings, synonyms, antonyms and word relations.

       Read text and determine the main idea, identify relevant supporting details.       


      Book:  Muggie Maggie by Beverly Cleary

      White piece of paper

      Computer with Internet and word processing

      Worksheet (vocabulary)

Vocabulary: gently, accurate, embarrassed, virtuous, rumpled, annoyingly

Working with words: The teacher will introduce past and present verbs by writing samples on the board, then monitor as students make a list of past and present verbs they find in chapter five.  Students will go online to Student Fun and complete activities on past and present verbs.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. Begin lesson by having the students share their prediction of chapter five. (enter predictions into computer-generated journal)

2. Review vocabulary words and definitions from chapter four.

3. Introduce new vocabulary words and definitions for chapter five.

4. Give each student a white piece of paper, and have them fold it into six pieces. (students can also use word processing and create a table with two columns and three rows as their boxes; then type, add clip art and graphics)

5. Have students write each vocabulary word, definition and illustration in each box.

6. Read and discuss chapter five.

7. Have the students go online to to find synonyms and antonyms for their vocabulary words.

8. Have the students go online to complete a vocabulary activity, print out the worksheet and complete it.

Evaluation: Students will answer the following questions:

What do you think about Maggie’s attitude?

How does Maggie "test" Mrs. Leeper and her father?

Do you think Maggie really wants to write cursive?

Home Learning:

      Students will go online to PuzzleMaker  to create a crossword puzzle with their vocabulary words.

      Students will go online to complete a comprehension activity, print out the worksheet and complete it.

      Write a prediction for chapter six.

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