
Component: Reading


Materials:  CD-ROM encyclopedias such as Grolier's or World Book, computer with online
                capabilities, floppy disks, printer, paper, desktop publishing program,
                scanner (optional)

Procedure: 1) Each student will maintain a cyber journal by placing all research, web
                 site URL's, and other data onto a disk.
                 2) Any essays, summaries, opinions, homework, and class work will be included. 

                 3) The work should be arranged on various pages. 

                 4) Add art or scan in drawings.

                 5) The journal will be an ongoing process while the book is being read and it will  
                     integrate new knowledge of the subject as learned.

Evaluation: Student will be evaluated using a Reading Response Rubric.

Homework: Using both a dictionary, thesaurus, and spell check on the computer, edit the entire journal.

Extension Activities: 

How To Make A Database

                               Go to Start
                               Click Works Tools
                               Click Database
                               When a box comes out it says Field Name
                               Name the field and press Add
                               Continue until all the fields are filled
                               Place information in the cells
                               It can be decorated in Format (add clip art)

Field Trip: Take a virtual field trip to Hershey Chocolate at Hershey'  and Hershey's Chocolate World Visitor Center      

Web sites for teachers to visit and then book mark appropriate links:

Reading Response Literature Log
Students write responses to reading selections
Reading Response Log
Read example of a student's writing response