Newspaper Writing Rubric

Name _______________________________________________ Date _____________________

Score ___________________

Score A

Focused on topic
Logical progression of ideas
Sentence structure varied
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization are correct

Score B

Focused on topic and includes few loosely related ideas
Logical progression of most ideas
Occasional errors; word choice is adequate
Includes two- three grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors

Score C

Focused but may contain ideas that are loosely connected to the topic
Lacks logical progression of ideas
General conventions are used
Includes three- four grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors

Score D 

Addresses topic but may focus by including loosely related ideas
Has little or no organizational pattern and may lack completeness or closure
Frequent errors in basic conventions
Includes five or more grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors

Score F

Does not address topic
Has no organizational pattern
Majority of errors in basic conventions
Includes a majority of grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation errors