Component: Geometry and Spatial Sense


Materials: sheet cakes, loaf cakes, or round cakes (one cake per group)
               Any of the following cake decorations: frosting, jelly beans, candy
               canes, chocolate pretzels, gummy bears, Hershey Kisses, waffle cookies,
               ice cream cones, chocolate covered peanuts, icing gel, coated popcorn,
               sprinkles, lady fingers, Teddy Grahams, coconut flakes, marshmallows

Procedure: 1) Working in groups, students will design a chocolate factory.

                 2) They will use construction paper, or newsprint paper to measure
                     and draw the layout of their factory. Students can also use the paint/draw 
                     application of any software program.

                 3) They will then decide to use a layer, pound, round or other cake 
                     size for their factory.

                 4) The cakes can be baked at the school if there is a facility or parents
                     can be solicited to bake them.

                 5) With the teacher's help and using their "architectural" designs, the 
                     cakes can then be measured and cut to the specifications.

                 6) Each group may then frost and decorate the cake. Take digital pictures
                     of cakes, write a short description of cake, and post on school web site. 

                 7) The cakes can then be eaten.

Evaluation: Each student will write a summary describing the exact measurements of 
                 cake prior to cutting and decorating. They will then finish the summary 
                 relating how the cake looked in comparison to the original design. 

                                            Measurement Quiz

                    1) If one box cake mix will serve six people, how many cake mixes 
                       are needed to serve thirty-nine people?

                    2) Draw a "factory" that is 65 centimeters in length and 45 centimeters
                       in width. Add cones at the top that are a height of 25 centimeters. 

                    3) Draw a sheet cake on paper with a length of 13 inches and a width of
                       9 inches. Draw a "door" that is 2 and 1/2  inches wide and 4 inches high.

                    4) If one cake requires one and one half cups of sugar, how many cups
                       are needed for six cakes?    

                    5) The Oompa Loompas are floating down the chocolate river. It is filled 
                        with 72 gallons of liquid chocolate. How many cups is this? 

                    6) If 35 melted chocolate bars will equal one liter of liquid chocolate, how
                       how many bars are required to make four and a half liters? 
Answers to Measurement Quiz

Homework: Each student will measure all the furniture in a room of his/her house
                  using both Standard and Metric forms of measurement. Ask students to visit 
                  this site to convert standard and metric measurement: 
                      Yahooligans Reference for Weights and  Measures
Extension activities: 

Field Trip: Visit a local candy store to observe how candy is made or if not made there, how it is manufactured and packaged.

Web sites to visit: 

A Plus Math
A good resource for general math quizzes, games, and general elementary math
AAA Math
Covers all math skills used in 4th and 5th grades
Ed Helper
Printable Math worksheets