Component: Uses the writing process effectively
                   Writes to communicate ideas and information effectively

Objectives: To draft and revise writing
                  To write for a variety of purposes 
                  Use electronic technology to design a web page
                  Produce a final document

Materials: computer, Internet capabilities, Microsoft FrontPage


How To Make A Web Page

Click on the following:

    Microsoft Front Page 
    Little white paper on the upper left hand side
    Type information
    Add clip art
    Add links by going online, cut and pasting the website onto the page
How To Make A Cover Page For The Web

Type the name of page. 
Add clip art.

Click the icon that looks like a checkerboard.
Highlight the number of boxes necessary to make an information table. 
Press the left mouse once.
Type the name of page into each box. 

Evaluation: Write all the steps necessary to create a web page. 

Homework: Write all the information necessary to make a personal web page. Edit it by 
                    using spell check, and Thesaurus. Search for clip art that will depict the theme
                    of the page.   

Extended Activities: 

Sites to Visit:
Create Your Own Web Page
FrontPage in the Classroom