Weather Gazette
Pine Lake Elementary School

Fall/ Volume I

Hurricane Floyd
By Joanne Louise                                   

Category 4 Hurricane Floyd is threatening the entire southeastern seaboard. Its 140-mile per hour winds will wreck havoc on any of its predicted targets. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will prove the Doppler radar correct, as the eye veers away from South Florida and threatens the Carolinas and Georgia. Floyd is currently destroying the Bahamas. He is massive and is four to five times larger than Hurricane Andrew. As fellow Floridians know from past experience, hurricanes can create a reign of total destruction.

Weather Lore

If there is a halo around the moon, rain is on the way.

If a rooster crows at night, there will be rain by morning.

Cows and horses huddle in the pasture when rain is on the way.

Who says lightning never strikes twice? It strikes the Empire State Building an average of 20-25 times each year.

Tornadoes most commonly occur in May between the hours of 3 PM and 7 PM.

Lightning is three times hotter than the surface of the sun and travels at 90,000 miles per second!

Raining Clouds

Poem by Yesenia Joyas

The clouds were getting dark,
As if it were going to rain.
They looked like they would soon erupt,
As if they were in pain.

I looked up into the sky,
It was gloomy and gray.
The clouds were thundering with all their might,
"Yes, it has rained!" they all seemed to say.  

Weather Humor

By Julia Williams

*If you see a heat wave, should you wave back?

*What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing Texas!

*It was raining cats and dogs one day last week and I got my shoes all wet when I stepped into a poodle!