Lesson Plan - Water Cycle


The student recognizes that processes in the atmosphere interact to shape the Earth
The student uses technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity


  1. Discuss the water cycle and how air temperature and moisture influence it. 
  2. Vocabulary: introduce water cycle terms: evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, collection, condensation and water vapor. Have students watch this video and answer: Explain how rain or precipitation starts. The Water Cycle 
  3. Have students draw water cycle sequence:
    1. The Sun heats water in lakes and oceans, causing it to evaporate and become water vapor, a gas. 
    2. Water vapor rises, cools and condenses to form tiny water droplets or ice crystals in clouds. 
    3. When the droplets or crystals grow heavy enough, they fall back to Earth as precipitation. 
    4. Most water returns to the sea or sinks into underground water source 
    5. The Sun heats it up; the cycle starts again. 
  4. Conduct  Is There Water in the Air? Experiment 
  5. Use Checklist for Science for evaluation 
  6. Read about the Water Cycle at Earth Floor  (click on Cycles, then click on Water Cycle) answer "Does all rain and snow that forms fall to the ground?" 
  7. Answer: No, it may evaporate in the air before reaching the ground
  8. Ask Earl: "How do you make water disappear?" Yahooligans Ask Earl
  9. Answer: After a large downpour, a rain puddle will eventually evaporate because the heat from the sun energizes the water molecules to break free from each other. So the water turns from a liquid into a gas. Clouds are just floating clumps of this water vapor. When this water vapor cools rapidly, it will turn back to liquid, in the form of rain!

Is There Water in the Air?

4 8-oz. plastic cups, ice water, refrigerator, freezer (ice chest can be substituted)

Fill one of the cups with ice water and set on table and feel the outside of the cup (It will feel moist. Water vapor in the air condenses against the cold outside of the cup.)

*Problem statement
Is There Water in the Air?

To determine if there is water in the air

*Hypothesis- I think...

  1. Moisture forming on the outside of the cup is coming from the air
  2. Moisture forming on the outside of the cup is coming from the cup


  1. Place one empty cup on table as control 
  2. Place second cup in refrigerator and third in freezer 
  3. Wait ten minutes 
  4. Remove cups from refrigerator and freezer and observe

Some water vapor will condense against the cold inside and outside of the cups.

(in student's own words)

After participating in hands-on group investigations, student will determine that air contains water (water vapor) and it is effected by air temperature.

What percentage of the earth's water is fresh? Find out at Mobot. Click on Water Cycle

Answer: 3% of the earth's water is fresh


Listen to daily weather forecast or log onto weather web site and determine the air temperature and humidity for the day.

Guest Speaker

Invite a meteorologist to the class to talk about the water cycle and its effect on climate.


Weiner. J. Planet Earth. Bantam Books. New York. 1986.