Third Grade

Language Arts / Reading

Lesson Eight

Objective: Students will read and organize information for a variety of purposes, including making a report, and conducting interviews.


*  Book:  Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary

*  white piece of paper

*  computer

Vocabulary: urgent, admired, inspiration, confession, astonished, memorize

Working with words: The teacher will introduce capitalization by writing samples on the board, then monitor as students make a list of capitalization they find in chapter eight.  Students will go to Student Fun to learn more information about capitalization.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. begin lesson by having the students share their prediction of chapter eight

2. have the students answer the following question in their computer journal: If you had to guess, what kind of book report will Ramona create? Why? (5 minutes)

3. chose 2-3 students to read their journal aloud

4. review vocabulary words and definitions from chapter seven

5. introduce new vocabulary words and definitions for chapter eight

6. give each student a white piece of paper, and have them fold it into six pieces- students can also use word processing to create a table with two columns and three rows for boxes, then type and add graphics

7. have students write each vocabulary word, definition and illustration in each box

8. read and discuss chapter eight

Evaluation: Students will add to "The Good and the Bad" chart using information from Education World Lesson 109 and answer the following questions:

Describe Ramona’s book report. Give details.

What do you think of Ramona’s book report? Give at least two reasons

for your answer.

What does Mrs. Whaley say she meant why she said, "What a


Extension Activity: Spreadsheet

Discuss kinds of book reports with students.
Conduct a survey of types of book reports students are working on.
Open spreadsheet application.
Type data- Boys, Girls, and Types of Book Reports.

Highlight data.
Choose type of chart
Create a chart that reflects data.
Print out.

Home Learning: Continue to work on book report. Write a prediction for chapter nine.