Third Grade

Language Arts / Reading

Lesson Six

Objective: Students will use simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading including the use of multiple meaning


*  Book:  Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary

*  white piece of paper

* computer with Internet

Vocabulary: sober, dawdling, scant, feeble, insert, dreaded

Working with words: The teacher will introduce quotation marks by writing samples on the board, then monitor as students make a list of quotation marks they find in chapter six.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. begin lesson by having the students share their prediction of chapter six

2. write "Supernuisance" on the board and have students get into cooperative groups to brainstorm ideas about what that word could mean (10 minutes)

3. let the students share their ideas about "supernuisance"

4. review vocabulary words and definitions from chapter five

5. introduce new vocabulary words and definitions for chapter six

6. give each student a white piece of paper, and have them fold it into six pieces -  students can also use word processing to create a table with two columns and three rows for boxes, then type and add graphics. Students can visit Punctuation for help.

7. have students write each vocabulary word, definition and illustration in each box

8. read and discuss chapter six

9. review the parts of a friendly letter:  Paragraphs are indented (press tab one time) in addition to the date, and the salutation is indented over the 2 1/2 or 3 inch mark on the tool bar ruler. See Sample Friendly Letter.

Evaluation: Students will add to "The Good and the Bad" chart, using desktop publishing, write an imaginary letter to Ramona telling her about an embarrassing moment that they have experienced and answer the following questions:

Why didn’t Ramona tell her teacher that she was sick?

What convinces Ramona that she is a nuisance?

What do you think will happen at school when Ramona returns?

Extension Activity: Press Release

Student will write a press release about Ramona Quimby and her story.
Type "PRESS RELEASE" on top of page using dark font in a large size.
Make a headline, such as "Ramona Quimby at it Again!- it is a summary of issue or an announcement of event.
Students enter text- include the following: who, what, why, where, and when
Use special effects for emphasis: italics, bold, size, font, color and underline.
Include information for people to get more information, such as name of teacher and school. Students can visit Crayon to get ideas for articles.

Home Learning: Write a friendly letter to a friend or relative. Save to disk and print in school. Write a prediction for chapter seven