Third Grade

Language Arts / Reading

Lesson Five

Objective: Students will know the similarities and differences among the characters.


*  Book:  Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary

*  white piece of paper

*  chart paper

*  computer

Vocabulary: resolved, weary, united, edible, volunteered, festive

Working with words: The teacher will introduce past and present verbs by writing samples on the board, then monitor as students make a list of past and present verbs they find in chapter five.  Student will enter verbs into computer journal. Students will go to Student Fun and learn more information on past and present verbs.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. begin lesson by having the students share their prediction of chapter five

2. review vocabulary words and definitions from chapter four

3. introduce new vocabulary words and definitions for chapter five

4. give each student a white piece of paper, and have them fold it into six pieces -  students can also use word processing to create a table with two columns and three rows for boxes, then type and add graphics

5. have students write each vocabulary word, definition and illustration in each box

6. read and discuss chapter five

7. complete a Venn Diagram comparing Ramona and Beezus as a class use draw application to create Venn Diagram

8. review the four food groups

Extended Activities:  Class Recipe Book
For homework have the students bring in favorite recipes from their parents and as a class, plan a class recipe book. Students can visit All Recipes to get ideas.
On the computer, choose a theme for their book and begin to type recipes.
Use graphics to illustrate- they can also copy and paste pictures from the Internet.
Change font, color and style for presentation.
Proof read, edit, then publish. 
Send a copy home to parents.

Evaluation: Students will add to "The Good and the Bad" chart, create a document with four columns and type the following headings: What the girls served for dinner and What you would serve for dinner - then complete. Answer the following questions:

Describe how Ramona and Beezus made a mess while preparing a


What do you think Ramona and Beezus learn from this experience?

Home Learning: Create a math word problem that relates to their recipe. Write a prediction for chapter six. Students can visit this site for help Math Stories.