Third Grade

Language Arts / Reading

Lesson Three

Objective: Students will read text and determine the main idea, identify relevant supporting details and facts.


*  Books:  Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary and Science Horizons by Silver Burdett and Ginn

*  white piece of paper

*  hard-boiled eggs

*  chart paper 

*  computer

Vocabulary: nutritious, timid, rude, commotion, reluctantly, rivals

Working with words: The teacher will introduce compound words by writing samples on the board, then monitor as students make a list of compound words they find in chapter three.  Students will go to The Jan Brett Web site, Quia- Compound or Quia- Compound Words Activity  and complete activities on compound words.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. begin lesson by having the students share their prediction of chapter three and chart activity from previous day

2. review vocabulary words and definitions from chapter two

3. introduce new vocabulary words and definitions for chapter three

4. give each student a white piece of paper, and have them fold it into six pieces- students can also use word processing to create a table with two columns and three rows for boxes, then type and add graphics

5. have students write each vocabulary word, definition and illustration in each box

6. teacher prepares hard-boiled eggs for a snack and have the students eat snack while reading chapter 3

7. read and discuss chapter three

8. read chapter 12 - Choosing Foods Wisely from the Science Horizons by Silver, Burdett, and Ginn text, or use similar text on the four food groups

9. students will plan and write what they consider to be the best lunch foods 
students create a  "Best Lunch" on a spreadsheet and create a graph from data
students open spreadsheet application and fill in boxes
highlight the page- click on the bar graph icon on the tool bar
select the type of graph wanted
click on Edit
go to Titles
type name of graph

10. have the students go to the Enchanted Learning Web site and United States Dairy Association Web site to find different types of foods for the four food groups

Extended Activities: Chemical Reaction
Complete an experiment showing chemical changes. 
Title: Where Did the Eggshell Go?
Purpose: To remove the shell from a raw egg 
Materials: pint glass jar with lid, raw egg, 1 pint clear vinegar
Hypothesis: Predict what will happen to eggshell
Procedure: Place an uncooked egg in a jar  
Cover the egg with vinegar
Close lid
Results: Bubbles start forming on surface of eggshell and continue. Within 24 hours, the shell will be gone.
After the eggshell has been decomposed and the egg is rubberized (approximately two to three days), remove it from the jar for the children to handle. 
Discuss results: There was a chemical reaction- vinegar's chemical name is acetic acid. Egg shells are made of calcium carbonate. The reaction between acetic acid and calcium carbonate causes the egg shell to dissolve.

Evaluation: Students will complete a Science Experiment Procedures Work Sheet Students will add to "The Good and the Bad" chart and answer the following questions:

Why do you think this chapter is called "Hard-boiled Egg Fad"? 

Think of two more titles for this chapter. 

Which is the best title for the chapter and why?

Describe what happens to the hard-boiled egg.

How does Danny surprise Ramona?

Home Learning: Ask students to create a food pyramid detailing the food they ate for dinner that evening. Write a prediction for chapter four.