
Objectives: To learn to make a graph on the computer.

Materials: Online access, spreadsheet/graph software 

1) Students will keep track of the weather by daily recording the temperature of the chosen country for two weeks

2) Record the temperature in Miami for the same time period

3) Make a chart showing the results in both Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees. Visit Online Conversion to learn about the temperatures conversions.

4) Label and name the graph

5) Print the graph showing the results

Tip: An easy way to remember the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit is to double the Celsius and add thirty. Ex. If it is 20°C, it is approximately 70°F. Visit Temperature Conversion to see if your calculations are correct.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on the content of graphs: labels, correct calculations, and recording of temperatures for two weeks.

Extension Activity: Weather Key Pals

Homework: Students will research various weather web sites, such as The National Weather Service and TV Weather to learn about different types of clouds and the weather that accompanies each. Students will then complete the Cloud Activity Sheet and share results with the class; this homework can be spread out over a week or more.

Field Trip: Visit a local university's weather station or a local TV. channel's weather station to learn about the weather first hand. Take digital pictures of the field trip and use in multimedia projects.

Guest Speaker: Invite a meteorologist to class to talk about the weather, weather patterns, weather tracking, and natural disasters.