Cyber Shopping

Component: The student learns how to convert money.

Objectives: The student will be able to calculate the rate of exchange between the American dollar and the Irish pound or country of their choice and use the Internet to collect and organize data.

Materials: Computers with Internet access, Shannon AirportAsk Jeeves, currency rate of exchange card at The Currency Converter

1) Introduction. Explain that students will be "shopping" at
the duty free store at Shannon International Airport.

2) Each student is "given" five hundred United States dollars and can then spend it at the store.
3) Using the rate of exchange card, the student will figure how much each item costs. The purchases are not to exceed five hundred dollars.

Evaluation: Place price tags on various items in the classroom and convert the dollars to that of the chosen country. Assignment will be evaluated on correct currency conversion.

Homework: Using a newspaper advertising section compare the prices of goods in the chosen country with those of local stores, if you visit the Real Cities web site, and click on Real Cities sites, you can view the newspapers of many US cities.

Extension Activity: Write a press release or ad about your selected country

Field Trip: Visit a local newspaper to see how a newspaper is created.

Speaker: Invite a local newspaper reporter or photographer to class to talk about newspapers are published.