PowerPoint Rubric

Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades.








Working with a partner


Does not work well with a partner.
Works and Completes part of the assignment with a partner.
Works and completes most of the assignment with a partner.
Works well and completes the whole assignment with a partner.
Everglades Journal


Does not keep a journal on the Everglades.
Journal has very few entries with information and details on the Everglades.
Journal has several entries with information and details on the Everglades.
Journal has more than five entries that are full of facts and details on the Everglades.
Answers the question presented in the quest


Does not answer the question or offer details for support.
Answers the question but offers no details for support. 
Partially answers the question and supports it with information for the web search.
Fully answers the question and supports it with details from the web search.
PowerPoint presentation


Has no PowerPoint presentation.
Has a few slides for the PowerPoint presentation but no graphics.  performance.
Has partially developed slides and graphics for PowerPoint presentation.
Fully develops PowerPoint presentation and uses graphics.