Lesson 4

Title: Rainfall in the Everglades


The student will be able to compile information and create a bar graph on the average rainfall in the Everglades. They will then compose math questions related to the bar graph.



  1. Define precipitation- the depositing of rain, snow or sleet
  2. Discuss precipitation and its effect on the environment as a class.
  3. Have students visit the following web site to obtain information on the yearly rainfall in the Everglades using 33034 for the zip code.
  4. Have students access forecast and maps to find the average rainfall in the Everglades.
  5. Students will record the information in their Everglades Journal.
  6. Have students use their recorded information to transform it into a graph that shows rainfall over the year.
  7. Have students compose math word questions that can be answered by their peers, using their graphs.
    How much rain fell on ________ (date)?
    How much rain fell during the week of _________?
    When is the heaviest rainfall? Summer, spring, winter or fall.
    Which date has the most rainfall? Least?
    What is the average rainfall for July? December? September? May?
  8. Have students research rainfall in other regions and compare it to the rainfall in the Everglades.


Students will be evaluated on completed graphs and correct answers to word problems.

Extension: Weather in the Everglades


Students can take home other students graphs to answer their questions.

Guest Speakers: Invite a local environmentalist to talk about environmental issues. Invite a local meteorologist to talk about weather and weather patterns.