Aussie Food

Component: Writing

Competency: Writes sequence of event- following a recipe and recording events

Objective: After making Anzacs (Australian cookies) students rewrite the recipe and explain the steps they have taken to make their cookies.

Materials:  recipe, paper, markers, pens, computer with Internet

1- Introduce activity by telling the students what cookies they think are famous in America.

2-Put students in pairs and tell them they will make Australian cookies called Anzacs.  Tell students these cookies are famous with Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought in World War I, all soldiers of Australia and New Zealand are referred to as Anzancs.

Anzacs Ingredients

1 cup of butter, slightly softened 
1 cup rolled oats 
2 tablespoons maple syrup 
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup plain flour 
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking power

Heat the oven to 350 degrees.  Mix the butter and maple syrup until smooth and creamy.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Roll dough into small balls and place the balls on a greased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart.  Bake for 12-15 minutes.  Allow cookies to partially cool before removing them from the sheet.  Makes approximately 30 cookies.

3-Once the cookies have been made and students have enjoyed their treat they rewrite the recipe they explain what steps they took to make their cookies.  Students can get creative and do their writing in a page in the shape of Australia.

4- Visit this  Recipe Source  to locate more Australian recipes.

5- Learn about the famous Australian Pavlova cakes at Australian Recipes. 

Evaluation:  Students will accurately record and explain the steps necessary to make Anzacs.

Extension Activity: Bar Graph of Favorite Cookies

