Life Cycle of A Butterfly

Objective:   Students will be able to draw the life cycle of a monarch.

Introduction:  All insects start life as tiny eggs.

Materials:  Student task card, markers or crayons, colored paper plate, glue, scissors, computer

Vocabulary:  egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly , metamorphosis, larva

1. Teacher reads aloud The Butterfly by Sabrina Crewe or The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

2. Discuss the life cycle of a butterfly.

3. Give each student a task card.  Color the life stages and then cut them apart.  Glue the pieces onto the plate and label each stage.

4. Plan a butterfly garden. Visit The Butterfly Conservatory and click on Grow a Butterfly Garden.

5. Read and determine what is needed for a garden: 

6. Using desktop publishing, create a butterfly garden "How To" book.

7. Break students into small groups and have each group design the front cover,

8. Write a page for each component needed.

9. Add graphics, clip art

10. Adjust font, style, color, size and alignment

11. Proofread, edit

12. Publish

8. Write an introduction.


Home Learning:  Using a search engine from the Internet, such as Yahooligans or other books from the classroom find out how other insects metamorphose. Draw a life cycle for the insect. A great site is The Butterfly Conservatory click on metamorphosis.

Evaluation:  After the students have labeled the stages on their plates ask them to draw arrows between the sections to show the direction of the metamorphosis.
Extension 1:  Students visit  Where do Butterflies Come From? and have them build their own chrysalis.

Extension 2: Create a Butterfly Card

Field Trip: Take a virtual field trip to a butterfly garden at the Butterfly Conservatory, click on Virtual Tour.
