Native American Symbol Stories


 After discussing the different Indian Symbols 
and their definition with English words, the 
students will create their own symbol story 
on the back side of their paper made vests.

Materials Needed

Brown paper bags
Markers and crayons
Indian Symbols sheet
Plain paper
Ruler and/or measuring tape
Draw application of a desktop publishing 


1. As a cooperative group,  use the Indian 
symbols sheet to create a group story.  
Read it to the teacher or facilitator.
To collect more information about Indian 
symbols, visit: Indian Symbols 
Read a Cherokee story at Cherokee Legend

2. Have the students create an individual 
story, similar to the one done as a group, 
using the Indian symbols.  Write a draft on 
paper first, then use Draw Application to 
draw Indian symbols;  later transfer to 
back side of the following vest.

3. Create the Native American vest 
following these directions:
a. take a brown paper grocery bag
b. cut up the middle of the front and around 
the neck area
c. cut into the sides and make armholes
d. cut fringes all the way around the bottom
e. to make the ties, punch two holes near the neck
 opening at the front
f. pass a piece of yarn through each hole
g. decorate with markers or crayons using 
the Indian symbols

4. Copy the symbol story on the back part 
of the vest.

5. Students can share their stories as a 
whole group activity.

6. Use the vest in the culminating activity 
of the play "A Native American Welcome."


Students create vests, present three facts 
from Internet web sites and share stories.

Extension Activity

Click on Read Authentic Indian Folklore

The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

Question: What happened to the warrior 
who did not respect the White Buffalo Calf 
Woman? Answer: He was killed in a cloud 
of smoke


Believing that spirits caused everything, 
masks were worn to humor and frighten
 spirits away. Tell the student to pretend 
that he or she is a medicine man/woman and
 is wearing a mask. Have them write a story
 about meeting a good or evil spirit and its 
magic powers.
