Lesson 5
The Moon Never Looks The Same


  • Students will identify each phase of the moon.
  • Students will draw pictures of each phase of the moon and will label the pictures correctly.
  • Students will create a calendar and record the phases of the moon throughout the month.
  • Students will create a graph and graph the number of days in each phase.

Time Required:

  • 2-one hour sessions
  • moon, phases, full moon, crescent, new, 
    gibbous, waxing, waning, quarter, sunlight
  • chart or chalkboard
  • marker or chalk
  • pictures of each of the five moon phases
  • small blank index cards
  • Claris Works
  • The Golden Book Encyclopedia CD-Rom
  • Science Journals
  • Revisit K-W-L and write new information students have learned.
  • Make a grid with five columns on chart paper or the chalkboard.  At the top of each column put a picture of one of the phases of the moon.
  • Students will write their names on the index cards and tape their cards under the picture of the way they think the moon is usually lighted.
  • Once all students have placed their names on the grid, explain that everyone is correct.  Explain why the moon is lighted in portions throughout the month and that the changes in the way the moon looks to us are called phases of the moon.
  • Students will then work in partners and locate pictures of the five phases of the moon using the Golden Book Encyclopedia.  Students will read or listen to the articles and take notes in their science journals.
  • While using the Golden Book Encyclopedia CD-Rom students will also draw pictures of each phase of the moon and label each phase.
  • Review the phases of the moon by showing students pictures of the phases of the moons.  Students will name the phases without referring to their drawings.
  • Students will now create a calendar using Claris Works and each night students will record what the moon looks like.
  • At the end of the month, students will tally the number of days in each phase.  Students will then create a graph using Claris Works and graph the results.  Send kids to this site Graphing to learn how to create a graph.
Evaluation: Extension Activity:
  • Students will visit USA Today and click on Moonrise and Moonset times.  Find out at what time the moon rises and sets on a particular day of choice.
  • Students will create a spreadsheet of Moon rise and Moonset times
  • In column A, enter Moonrise and Moonset
  • In row 1, enter the days of the week
  • Enter the Moonrise and Moonset times in Cell B2 to F2
  • Compare Moonrise and Moonset with Sunrise and Sunset times
Home Learning:
  • Each night students go outside and look at the sky. They will record what the moon looks like and  write the information on their moon calendar.
