Oceans- Coral Reefs



Grade Level:  2  

Objectives:  The students will be able to define what constitutes an ocean coral reef and the types of living things found there.  They will also recognize and remember the rainforest and desert habitats. 

Materials:  coral reef habitat posters,  National Geographic children's video *Deep Sea Dive, assorted art supplies (tissue, construction paper, tag board, tempera paint, pipe cleaners), glue, scissors and butcher paper for mural. Teachers can great excellent information on the coral reef at NOAA Coral Reef

*If this video is not available, select a similar coral reef video.

Procedure:  Review with students material covered in previous lessons.  
Explain what a coral reef is.  
Refer to poster and show the students all the different types of living things found in a coral reef.  
Discuss what constitutes a coral reef - 

Review with the students the definition of a habitat and what the characteristics of a rainforest and desert are.  
Show National Geographic video.  
Discuss with students what was seen in the video
Ask students to give examples of some animal and plant populations found in coral reefs - corals, sea anemones, sea pens, polyps, eels, rays, clown fish, sharks, sea urchins, and sea pansies.

Activity:  Students will be given a variety of art supplies such as pipe cleaners, construction paper, tissue scraps, tempera paint, etc.  In cooperative groups they will each be asked to create pictures of animals and vegetation found in coral reefs.  Together, all of these projects will be used to make a class “coral reef mural.”

Evaluation:  Students will be evaluated on their coral reef mural using the Habitat Checklist.

Extension Activity: Favorite Coral Reef Animals

Field Trip: Take a virtual field trip at CyberLearn. Click on the Reef zone sections to see each section of a coral reef. Take students to a local aquarium to see coral reef plants and animals.

Homework: Write a poem about a coral reef plant or animal; post on the Internet at The Kid Authors Web site.


Tip: Have students use a dictionary and thesaurus to expand vocabulary.