Lesson 1

Title: Map Skills




1. Discuss vocabulary and view  maps of Florida: Florida Map Web site

Florida Link Web site,

National Geographic Web site. Here you will locate outline maps of the USA and Florida. 

2. Have students draw a free hand map of Florida, locating and labeling major cities, bodies of water, and land forms.

3.Have students come up to the overhead projector and have them label a major city on a blank map.

4. In cooperative groups the students will make a relief map of Florida. Draw an outline of the state on the base. Have students, wearing old t-shirts, apply the papier-mâché and shape the relief. The map can be painted when the materials have dried. Labeling of each major city will be done with a marker.

 Instructions for papier-mâché : tear newspaper into small strips and soak them in water. Boil until the paper becomes pulp. Cool and squeeze out excess water. Add enough wallpaper paste to hold everything together. Add about one teaspoon of sodium benzoate to preserve the mixture.

5. Take an online quiz about Florida at Enchanted Learning.

Evaluation: Final  product of relief map with correct labels.    


Extension Activity: Conduct Internet Research on Florida or State of Your Choice

Homework: Write a poem about a favorite city or state.