Lesson 3

Objectives:  The students will read the second half of story,  summarize the story orally, complete a story frame,  write an acrostic poem, and create a word search puzzle online.

a)  The students will silently read the second half of the story with audio cassette tape using a bookmark or index card as a tracker. (whole group)

  b)  Complete story frame from Day 2 using KidPix program. More advanced students can use story frame as a basis for a slide show with text and graphics; this can be presented to class. 

c)  Continue word search puzzles at Discovery Kids click on Puzzlemaker

d)  Begin editing/revising acrostic poem in cooperative pairs. Edit, proofread, then publish the poem online at Zuzu
 Evaluation:  Teacher observation of story tracking; student will complete Story Frame using KidPix or other desktop publishing software and draft of acrostic poem using desktop publishing. Printed story frame can be placed in unit portfolio.

                      Time time allotment approx: 120 min.

Extension Activity: Tornado Flow Chart

Homework: Print out KidPix or similar story frame, bring home and review. Edit and bring back to class.