Lesson 1:
Objectives: The students will identify critical vocabulary and make a prediction about the story.

Activity:  a) The teacher will introduce the critical vocabulary by using oral repetition, gestures, and illustrations. This is done in a whole group setting, then smaller groups, and finally individually.  An emphasis is placed on enunciation and pronunciation. Words are used in simple context and in isolation

 Approximate time: 20 min

Materials: computer with Internet access, desktop publishing program with draw and paint application

a) meteorologist, sobering, taper, civil defense, mobile, and tornado.
example:  The meteorologist said there would be rain on Monday.

b)  Students will open text to the basal story "Night of the Twisters" by Ivy Ruckman at Night of the Twisters  and begin a picture book using word desktop publishing. Visit this site for more twister activities:  Twisters- an integrated unit

c)  Students will make a prediction about the story by illustrating and writing simple sentences using word processing.  Students share responses orally and in writing with peers.

d)   After revisiting the vocabulary words the students will enter the vocabulary words in their pictionaries (picture dictionaries with clipart and draw and paint application illustrations).

Evaluation:  The student will complete and publish a pictionary of vocabulary words with appropriate illustrations and clipart depicting meaning and participate orally in class discussion. Pictionary can be placed in unit portfolio or in classroom library.

Extension Activity:

Homework: Conduct research on tornadoes using online resources, such as, Tornado Alley, and books from school media center. Question: Which states are included in Tornado Alley? Answer: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas.

Fieldtrip: Take a virtual field trip and see a tornado in action at Discovery.com- Tornado,

Total time allotment approx: 90 min.