Your Full Name___________________ Meryl Sensei
I.C.E. Digital Art Class Your Advisor____________________


Enter Through the Form Treasure Hunt

Your mission-

Go to and click on EnterThrough The Form to find the following:

1. What does the architecture and landscape design of a society express?


List three belief or value systems that took root in Japan and are still popular today.

Name of system

Where did it originate?

What is important or distinctive about this system?










  1. Who or what are Kami? __________________ Where do Kami reside? __________________
  2. It's said that the Japanese are " _____________at birth and _____________ at death".
  3. List 4 bodies of water or countries are Japan is surrounded by.
  4. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ________________

  5. Between what two periods of Japanese history did Buddhism arrive from Korea?
  6. _____________________________ ____________________________

  7. When was the Edo Period? __________________ How many years did it last? ______________
  8. Why do you think Himejii Castle is called "The White Egret"? _____________________________
  9. What is an egret? __________________ What was Himejii Castle's purpose? _______________

  10. List the 6 attributes of a perfect Garden.
  11. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

    _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

    10. What is Wabi? _____________________________________________________________

  12. Describe the physical attributes that Himejii Castle and Kanazawa Castle have in common.
  13. ________________________________________________________________________________

  14. Who is represented in Buddhist Temple statues?
  15. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ________________

  16. Look at Deitokuji Garden and Royounajii gardens.
  17. How are the gardens similar? ______________________________________________________ How do they differ? ____________________________________________________________

    I3. Why do you think you don't see furniture in the Royanjii Zen Temple?


  18. Draw a TORII in the space provided.







  20. What are some physical clues that signify you have entered a HAIDEN?
  21. __________________________ __________________________ _______________________

  22. Watch the Gion Matsuri video. What is a Matsuri? ___________________________________

16. What are many people wearing and/or doing in the Gion Matsuri?


17. Watch the Sumo video.

How is it similar to wrestling you see in the U.S? _______________________________________

How is Sumo different from U.S. wrestling? ___________________________________________


18. What evidence do you find to support the claim that Sumo is influenced by Shinto?


20. What did you learn about Japan today? ____________________________________________


19. What is the area or link on Enter Through The Form that you intend to explore next class?
