Thy New World
How you gonna get there? (aaah...America)
Air, Land, and Water...
Author / Artist
Julia Moraru

Bah Bah's story to America
Bah Bah came from China in 1982. He had children but they still lived with their mom in China. Bah Bah's children were named Rey Rey, lay lay, Cho Cho and Lie Lie. His wife Eri Eri decided that she couldn't live with Bah Bah because of his drinking problem. She divorced him in 1982 and he was left with nothing but hope to change, so he could return to his family.

Bah Bah decided to move to America with the little money he had to start over and get the best help for his problem. Bah Bah took a plane to New York city with the one bag he had and couldn't wait to arrive. Bah Bah was picked up at the Newark airport by his cousin He-He who lived in a small apartment rundown in Brooklyn. Bah Bah looked for jobs but it was hard when you don't know much English. Bah Bah soon found a starting job at a local Chinese restaurant where he would be a chef, since Bah Bah new many homeland cooking secrets. Bah Bah struggled with not knowing English but learned to survive by going to night school to learn English and other stuff.

Bah Bah says he has no plans to return to his homeland, but yet he wants to resume staying in America. If Bah Bah would ever want to get married again he wouldn't be able to until returning to China and telling his old wife. Bah Bah says that he hasn't drunk alcohol once since being in America but yet he is obsessed with Coca Cola. Bah Bah loves Brooklyn and is now proud of what he is here as a man opposed to what he was in China.