How you gonna get there? (aaah...immigrants)
From P.R to N.Y.C
Author / Artist
Alex Cordero


There once was a guy named Jose. He was 16 years old and he lived in Puerto Rico. He liked it a lot in Puerto Rico but there weren't too many jobs and if you were lucky enough to find a job it wouldn't pay very much. He had heard from many people that in New York City there were thousands of jobs and they paid well too. So then he decided he was going to move to New York City. 

When he got to New York City he was amazed. He loved the fact that there were so many stores and buildings. There was one thing that he didn't like though, the fact that it was sometimes crowded in the streets. He loved New York. He loved the fact that all the stores were so close to where he lived. In Puerto Rico sometimes people would have to walk a whole mile just to get to a supermarket. In New York there had to be a supermarket nowhere farther then 10 blocks from his house. 
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