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_Drawing_The_ Line_

I Don't See Dead Stick People

Scene Selections


Author / Artist

Gordon Kagan

This is not a story about love, trust, treachery, and honor.

Hey, guys.

What's up? By now I'm sure you've realized my name is Gordon Kagan (accounting for the rather large representation of it). I hoped you liked my story (no accounting for taste), and if you didn't, there's still hope for you. Otherwise, find the nearest nursing home.

Gordon Kagan is 11 years old, and takes pride in his Scottish heritage (his full name is Gordon Grahm Kagan). He lives in New York City with his parents, his sister, two cats, a rabbit, and an iguana. He enjoys writing books and short stories, playing Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, whacking everyone with his friends in D&D (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition), knocking into his friends, reading, and insulting everyone who goes on this site. He hates people who act like they are all powerful, and dislikes everyone who thinks he is not quite sane, other than his friends. He also likes making flash movies and plans on eventually putting up a site with his friends work and his own.

Below is a fake picture of Gordon Kagan blinking. Gordon Kagan drew this, just like he wrote the above information.

Looking for sweet movies? Check in later for a link to WWW.MOVIESROCK.COM

About the Author

Oh, yeah. You're not so very stupid. You're a complete idiot.
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