Student Samples -- Frederick Conrad story:

"Murder Accusations Against Local Officer," Bobby M.

    Officer Frederick Conrad, a respected officer in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, has shot a young local black boy. Everything took place after a nearby robbery was reported in a deli. Three blocks away, the shot was fired.
    It was well into the day, at approximately 7:30pm, when Frederick met up with Peter Carns in an alley. Frederick has reported that he saw Peter showing signs of aggression, even possibly reaching for a gun. As Peter reached in his pocket, Frederick took his opportunity to fire in fear that his own life was at stake at the time. The teenager died quickly when he was shot just above the left ear. No gun was found at the site that belonged to Peter.
    According to Frederick Conrad, he suspected that Peter Carns might have been the one that robbed the deli nearby. In fact, the deli owner gave a similar description of him minutes after he was killed. Investigation has shown that he was carrying a large sum of money that night.
    Controversy has been building on this officer's actions. Many think this shooting was inappropriate, even an act of racism. Frederick's actions were called "too hasty." Many officials think that Frederick could have resorted to other procedures to dealwith the situation at hand. After all, Conrad is "an experienced officer and gunman."
    Actions taken by Conrad has brought him up to be suspended with pay. Further accusations could be made after a thorough investigation takes place. As for now, the mother of Peter feels no sympathy for the white officer "who shot my son."

"City Slickers," Tiffany W.

    Yesterday morning at noon, New York City police chief Alan James held a press conference to answer charges concerning one of his workers. Police Officer Frederick Conrad has been accused of shooting 12-year-old Chris Carns in the head two days ago in an alley behind a local deli in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
    The story started out being a call to a robbery being held at the deli. It is known that a young clerk informed the cops of the robbery while it took place. After a brief description, officers Frederick Conrad and Michael Rooney showed up at the scene in less than two minutes. Once they arrived Officer Rooney interviewed the 36-year-old owner of the deli, Juan Cruz while Conrad looked for a suspect. It was then, only minutes later, that Chris Carns was found dead after being shot by Officer Conrad.
    Conrad claims, "I shot him because I felt my life was in danger." Even though charges were dropped, it was only two years ago when Officer Conrad was in court for physically abusing another boy of African-American descent. The thought of racism was the first thing that concerned people about Conrad. When Conrad was asked why he was in the alley, he said, "When I left the deli I saw a twenty dollar bill lying on the ground." It was never mentioned if he found the money either by the store or in the alley, but the alley is where Conrad ended up.
    Chris was on his way home from a friend's house with a large sum of money in his hand when Conrad approached him in the alley. When Chris went to put the money in his pocket, he was then shot in the head once and instantly died. Michelle Carns, mother of Chris Carnes stated, "Officer Conrad did try to get in contact with me but I refused to talk to him. I consider him the enemy."
    When asked why not aim for Carns lower body instead of his upper body, Conrad gave this answer: "I really don't know. I felt like my life was in danger." Investigators are still trying to analyze the case.

"Police Officer Fired in Self-Defense...and 12-Year-Old Black Boy Is Killed," Jenny F.

    In Bushwick, Brooklyn, at 7:30pm, gun sounds rang out. Chris Carns, a 12-year-old black boy was killed by a police officer. The officer, Frederick Conrad, stated the reason for his firing as self-defense.
    It all started at 7:20pm when a deli store was robbed. The local policeman went to take action. The two responding officers were Frederick Conrad  and Michael Rooney. They arrived at the deli at approximately 7:28pm. Officer Conrad went out and looked around to see if anyone looked suspicious.
    At about 7:30pm, shooting sounds rang out from Officer Conrad's gun in an alley two blocks away from the deli. Officer Conrad shot twice at a 12-year-old black boy who he believed to be suspicious. Conrad stated that "I shot him because I felt that my life was in danger and it was a way to protect my life." This 12-year-old boy's name was Chris Carns. He was killed by the second shot that Conrad aimed at his head near the left ear.
    The deli owner, Juan Cruz, had given information to the police stating he had a gun pointed at him during the robbery. Frederick Conrad is currently suspended from his job and duties.
    Michelle Carns, who is Chris Carns' mother, admits she might not have the time to watch over her kids because of her job. Ms. Carns is a single parent and also has another child who is 10-years-old. According to Michelle Carns, Chris is supposed to be off from his part-time job by the time the accident occured. Chris gets off at 6pm from his job at a local store, helping out a local neighbor. Through investigation, $250 was found in Chris' jacket pocket. Michelle has no idea why he would have that much cash on him.
    Police Chief Alan James states, "Officer Conrad is innocent until proven guilty. There is still a pending investigation going on." Through the interview, Alan James said that Conrad has always been a good police officer, has always done his job right, and has never had any previous problems with his partners or the community. However, when questioned, James admitted that Conrad did have a prior charge filed against him, also with a black youngster, but the charges were later dropped.

"Man of Law Kills 12-Year-Old Boy," Yajaira T.

    Police Officer Frederick Conrad allegedly fired at a 12-year-old boy who was shot and killed by his gunfire. The boy, Chris Carns, was shot in an alley three blocks away from a deli where a robbery had just taken place in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Officer Conrad was investigating the robbery and stated in yesterday afternoon's press conference that the young boy had "fit the description."
    Juan Cruz, the deli owner, described the robbers as "two African-Americans, one in a puffy black overcoat and the other had a black leather coat." The robbers apparently robbed over $400 and ran out of the store. When Officer Conrad and his partner arrived on the scene, Conrad found a $20 bill on the floor which led him to believe that the robbers had gone out in that direction. He followed the path to an alley where he saw Chris Carns. "He was counting what seemed to be a large sum of money and I told him to halt. Then he reached down to his pockets and that's when I fired," stated Conrad. "I believed my life was in danger."
    Although no gun or any type of weapon was found near the young boy's body, Carns was found with $200 on him. "Chris does have a part-time job where he makes money," said Michelle Carns, the mother of the boy.

from the classroom of:
Sandy Scragg
Murry Bergtraum HS
New York, NY