Teachers Network


 Choose any number of projects below for extra credit.


Topic A:  The Olympic Games


In classical times the Olympic Games were a festival held every four years in Olympia to honor Zeus.  The festival was first celebrated in 776 B.C. and was discontinued in

A.D. 394.  Greek women did not participate in the Olympic Games but held games of their own called Heraea, in honor of the goddess Hera.  The Games consisted of contests not only in sports but also in poetry and music.


#1  Find an illustration showing the Olympic symbol.  Explain the significance of the interlocking rings and their colors.  Present your findings in an essay.  (50-100 merits)                                                       

#2 Research the events of the Heraea and describe in an essay.   (100-300 merits)


#3  Present the story behind the Olympic Marathon Footrace in an essay

 (100-200 merits). 


#4. Report on one of the outstanding athletes in Olympic History not covered by a member of the class this quarter.  (100-300 merits)


Topic B:  Mythology


#5 Read the activities concerning “Classical Mythology in Today’s World” on pages 620-621 in your literature anthology.  Select  ten (10) of the research questions and complete each using  appropriate resources.       (250-500 merits)


#6 Consult reference books or the internet concerning information about three (3) of the following mythological “monsters.”  Identify each creature with a paragraph describing its features and powers.    (75-300 points)

[Monsters:   Chimera,   Furies,   Harpies,   Python,   Typhon,   Cerberus,   Hydra ]


#7 You must create both for this project… (a) Select a monster from the list in #6.  Create a “trading card” for it.  The front side should show the creature and its name.  The reverse should contain information concerning its features and powers.

     Then (b) create a “hero” card to match it based on the story involving the hero and the monster.   Again, place an illustration/picture and name on front side and a description of the hero and his/her accomplishments on the reverse. Tip:  Use the “canine hero” cards you received after the assembly as a model for this project.  (200-500 merits)