Teachers Network

   Costume Corner-  by Carol M. Lant-Weibel

Category: art, fashion design, home  careers, social studies
Grade: 6,7,8
Region: New York City

Aim: To create international doll costumes for a showcase display

Motivation:  Show students  sketches of national costumes.  Introduce 12-15" dolls
for show case.  Note: dolls should be displayed on doll stands and be true to varying ethnic
skin tones and hair colors.

Resources: Access to a computer, and a printer, resource books on costumes, encyclopedia

Materials:  Drawing paper, paint, colored pencils, needles, pins, scissors, fabric.

1. Assign student pairs one country each to research. Sample countries- Egypt, China, Japan,
India, Spain, France, Greece, Africa, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Canada, Korea, Russia,
Finland, Austria, Holland, Vietnam, Poland, Mexico.
2. Student pairs are to use the internet to research the national costume and culture of the country they are assigned.
link to: The Costume Page- http://falcon.jmu/ramseyil/arteducation.htm
         The Public Library   - http://nypl.org
3. Student teams are to then draw a two dimensional sketch of their costume.
4. Sketches will be judged based on accuracy.  The best sketched will become the basis for our
20 doll costumes.

Adaptations: The project can easily be adapted for social science by having the students create books on computer in  lieu  of sketches  and three dimensional costumes.
