Teachers Network

African Art    by Andrea Damon

Category:Art, Social Science, Special Education

Grade: 6,7,8

Region: New York City

Aim:1. To increase our understanding of African Art
         2. To enrich our vocabulary and encyclopedia skills

Motivation:  Students will explore African Art {both two and three dimensional}
by the use of our computer

Resources: Computer, class dictionary

Materials: paper and other available art materials

Procedure: Students will be given a list of words which they can define by using
the class dictionary, or  by accessing an encyclopedia via class computer:
:          face mask, paper mache, abstract, head piece, shoulder mask,
           relief sculpture
link:               The Public library-    http:nypl.org
     Encarta Electronic Encyclopedia-    http:encarts.msn.com/encartahome.asp

Review: Review procedures for using dictionary, and for using class computers

Discuss: The pictures which were obtained on computer

Development::  African Art is usually done to honor ancestors.
                            Their artwork gives a strong sense of who the individual was.
                            Compare and contrast relief sculpture versus other sculptures

Activity: Students will create a picture of themselves paying attention to:
                             1. What best describes you?
                             2. How would you like people to remember you?
                             3. Facial expression, stance, etc.

Student artwork will be displayed.  Students will try to guess  the owner
of the artwork by the image presented.