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Drawing Into the Imagination - Brainstorm Worksheet


Where can a story take you? Where can your imagination take you?


Look at the following examples of imaginative black and white line drawings of the artist Saul Steinberg.

Do a Google search and put in the key words Saul Steinberg. Go to first link on the page that will bring you to  http://saulsteinbergfoundation.org

Pick out one of the drawings from the website to look at intensely and fill in the following about:


Title of drawing: ______________________________________________________________


  1. Describe what is going on in the drawing. What story does the drawing tell you?



2.   Choose a small section of the image you are “drawn to” and write an introduction to a story, based on what you see or imagine in the drawing.


2a. Now, pretend you could “jump into” that part of the drawing and be drawn into an imaginary world or adventure. What would happen in that new part of the story?


3.   Choose another small part of the Steinberg drawing you are “drawn to”. Describe what you see in that detail of the drawing.


3a. Jump into that part of the drawing. Where does it take you? What happens in that part of the adventure?


4.   Write an imaginary ending to the story outline you just made up, inspired by the Steinberg drawing.

5. Make up a totally different ending.



Put on your thinking cap and brainstorm. You can go to the past, explore the present, imagine the future and enter a fantastic world with multiple possibilities.

Who or what will be the main object(s) or character(s) of your story?


2.        Describe what they or it will look like.________________________________________
3. What is their wish, purpose, goals, problem, or decision they have to make?

4.  What is the opening scene of your story? Describe in detail what it looks like, what’s going on.

5. Now choose a detail in that opening scene and expand upon it.

What is that detail? _______________________________________________________________________
What does it represent and why is it important? ________________________________________________
5a. “Jump into” that detail and go into a new scene, a new part of the adventure. What’s happening?
6.   Choose a second detail in that opening scene and expand upon it.
What is that detail? _____________________________________________________________________
What does it represent or why is it important? _________________________________________________
6a. “Jump through” that second scene and go to yet another scene, a different part of the adventure. What’s happening? _____________________________________________________________________________
7.  Imagine an ending to the adventure. What would it look like? How would it end?

8. Imagine a different ending. What would happen? _____________________________________________

Meryl Meisler 2004