Research Paper

Your web page content should include one research report of 3 double-spaced pages of size 12 font when printed.   You are writing a report on some actions of the Nazis to a specific audience- people of one or more nationality.

A.  Choose only one of these since you need to limit your topic because the subject is too large:

1.What Nazi laws are violating human rights? (i.e. Nuremberg Laws) 

2. What Nazi actions are violating human rights?

a. confiscation of property 
b. harassment 
c. ghetto living ( starvation included, imprisonment of a sort)
d. exclusion or segregation because of religion or heritage
e. slave labor

3. What are Nazi atrocities?

a. shooting 
b. concentration camps 
c. death camps 
d. burning 

4. What are some of the Nazi propaganda techniques and the lies they spread?

5. What are the Nazi rationalizations for what they did to Jews and other groups of people?

6. What are people doing to save Jews and others and what can people  do  to save Jews and others?

B. Take notes on information about one area of Nazi actions or related topic using the links page
Cards are due April 26th.   Use the book given to you- A Student Guide to Writing a Research Paper.

  1. Write the URL of each link on a source card and assign a number to each source.  ALl sources should be listed on one card.  (pp. 40-47) 
  2. Write down only one or more sentences in your own words on another card, a note card, and put the source card number on the note card on the top.
  3. If you want to copy exact words put quote marks right on the card before and after the quote.  Also include the source card number on the top. 

C. Make an outline due April 29.(pp. 48-51, 59-70)

  1. After you have taken enough notes start to arrange your note cards in piles that belong together.
  2. Give each pile a short name and write it on the back of each card from each pile.
  3. Make an outline listing the names of each pile in the order in which they will appear in your report.

D. Write a first draft of the report using the cards and the outline.  Right after the quotes put the source in parenthesis-due May 3rd. (pp.52-58, 71-85 and examples 127-34)  All first drafts must have a title, thesis statement, specific audience and purpose,  and conclusion.

E. Bibliography-Type a list of your URL's or sources in correct bibliographical form-due May 3rd.

F. Type a final draft- due May 10, double-spaced, size 12 font, three pages minimum.