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 United States: Help These People

by Jessica Perez



 These are children eating outside in the ghetto.

by Jessica Perez 5/3/02

Ghetto Living

People are suffering while they are in the ghettos. A lot of people would work a whole day and have nothing to eat .The people of United States need to know the suffering of people in the ghettoes. The people in the United States need to know how they treated the people in there. The Nazis would put people to work and only give them a meal a day. Every day there would be a lot of people twho died of starvation.

In the ghetto were women, men, children and teenagers. They wouldn’t let children’s have a normal childhood. They would put them to work ver young. So instead of playing with toys they are working.

In the Warsaw Ghetto they would make everyone work even the little children would have to work every day and have one meal a day. Since the had a meal a day They would come to their house so weak. They would go to there house crawling on the floor sometimes; the people would not even make it; they would die in the street while they were trying to go home. Jews would only have one apartment with a lot of people living with each other. They would eat in the street and they would have little kids eating there too.

When they would go to work they sometimes wouldn’t have enough energy because the Nazis would not give them enough food to eat. The women in the Warsaw ghetto say that they didn’t need to go on a diet because they don’t eat the three meals every day. ‘The hungry in the ghetto was so great, was so bad, that people were lying on the streets and dying. One of the diseases was typhus. A lot of the people had that disease and it killed them. In spring of 1941, shop workers were fainting from hunger. A lot of people would die from hunger in the streets and some people would never make it the next day.

I would like to say to the United States that we always need to look at other countries and if you see that they having a problem we should help them .If we see that a country needs food or money we should send some money and food so they don’t die of starvation. The U.S. should help people that are suffering that we can help.


Wiesel,Eli. Night . New York : Bantam, 1960

Professional Web Page
"The Ghetto ." . . USHMM. March 2002. <>.

hunger.jpg (10822 bytes)

These are kids that are starvingin the ghetto .

.starving.jpg (34353 bytes)

These are family that live in the ghetto that are looking for food

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