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You Are Being Deceived By Hitler!

Red Cross come to save the Jews!

by Jennifer Rodriguez

Do not believe the Nazis. They are deceiving.

Jennifer Rodriguez May 3, 2002

Hitler published his book all over the world and still you ignored it. He made killer promises and kept them and, still you ignored it. Germans, what’s wrong with you?! You let him come to power choosing to ignore his future deadly plans. You were warned and you chose to act as if nothing happened. Why? You were blinded by deception. You were so desperate that anyone who made promises to you, you believed in that person. I understand this was shocking, but why couldn’t you face reality? Why were you so naive? Red Cross, how were you so fooled? Adolf Hitler fooled you with elaborate hoaxes. Now you can help the innocent people who are being tortured and killed as if they were nothing.

Just a week after the Enabling Act made Hitler dictator of Germany, a national boycott of Jewish shops and department stores was organized by Nazis. The Nazis assumed most journalists were either Jewish or sympathetic to Jews and thus they labeled the bad publicity as "atrocity propaganda" spread by "international Jewry."

The Jewish ghetto called, Theresienstadt, served an important propaganda function for the Germans. The publicly stated purpose for deportation of the Jews from Germany was their "resettlement to the East," where they would be compelled to perform forced labor. Since it seemed implausible that elderly Jews could be used for forced labor, the Nazis used the Jewish ghetto to hide the nature of the deportations. The deportations to Theresienstadt were, however, part of the Nazi strategy of deception.

The ghetto was in reality a collection center for deportations to ghettos and extermination camps in Nazi – occupied Eastern Europe. The Germans permitted the International Red Cross to visit in June 1944. It was all an elaborate hoax. The Germans intensified deportations from the ghetto shortly before the visit, and the ghetto itself was "beautified". Gardens were planted, houses painted, and barracks renovated. The Nazis staged social and cultural events for the visiting dignitaries. Now the visit was over, the Germans are resuming deportations from the Jewish ghetto.

After the successful conclusion of the Munich Agreement, many international leaders harbored the hope that Hitler was a statesman with whom they could continue to negotiate. But on the night of November 9, 1938, an event occurred which revealed the true story of Hitler's regime to the world and also marked the beginning of deadly radicalization of Nazi policy concerning the Jews.

About 25,000 Jewish men were hauled off to Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen concentration camps where they were brutalized by SS guards and at the same time randomly chosen to be beaten to death. It is estimated that up to 2,500 Jews perished from beatings on the street, incarceration in the camps and from the numerous suicides that occurred, including entire families.

Hitler could look at anyone in the eye and lie with sincerity. He would also lie to the whole world through radio broadcasts, endlessly proclaiming his desire for peace, even his love of peace, all the while secretly preparing for another big war. Hitler didn't care about consequences. Hitler was only interested in end results. Any attempts to get him to change his mind were a complete waste of time.

When something is ignored it develops on its own. This is what Hitler took advantage of. The Great Depression made the Germans believe in anything that was promised to you. It made you desperate. Adolf Hitler knew this and his rise of power was because of this. I’m warning you, do something now or it will get worst. Someone must stop this insane monster and its up to you. Don’t be fooled. Now the question is, What are you going to do, now?



  • Meeting Hate with Humanity. New York: The Education Department of the Museum of Jewish Heritage, 2000.

                                           Professinal Web Pages:

  • . "WWW.HOLOCAUST.COM." Multimedia Learning Center. 1999. Museum of Tolerance. . <>.

  • . "WWW.HITLER.ORG." Historical Hitler Museum. 1996-2000. Hitler Museum. . <>.


If you don't stand up for your rights, Who will?

Beware of Man

Adolf Hitler


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use fonts and images very effectively.

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use the Internet to do research.

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using colors to enhance message

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