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Attention USA! Military; Rescue The Jews From The Nazi Concentration Camps.

By: Elizabeth Cooper

Nazi, National Socialist Party, and leader, Adolph Hitler, are violating human rights. The USA needs to be informed so they can come rescue these people and bring peace.

The Jews are the main target of the Nazi genocide and victims of the killing centers. "Hitler calls the Jews an "evil race" that should be destroyed for causing Germany's defeat in WW1. He saw communism as a Jewish plot to control the world." The Jews were forced by the Nazi to concentration camps.

Prisoners wear colored triangles on their jackets so that the guard and officers of the camps could point out each persons background. Political prisoners, communist, socialist wear red triangles. Gypsies and other Germans wear black. Jehovah's witnesses, religion that was born  in the US have about 20,000 members in Germany, wear purple and homosexuals pink. Letters stand for nationality. P for Polish, SU for Soviet Union and F for French.

Nazis subject these prisoners to forced labor and cruel treatment. Conditions are unbearable, sometimes so horrible that workers quickly weakened and die. Hundreds of thousands of Jews are sent by the SS, Nazi party police and the main terror from the Nazis, to road building, construction projects, and manufacturing. These actions mostly take place in Poland. Forced labor is only temporary; the SS eventually come under pressure by Hitler and prisoners are taken to death camps.                                                                                                                                              

The Nazis ship the Jews from all over occupied Europe to the camps. As Jews reached the camps, they are stripped of their clothes and other possessions. Their heads are shaved. Guards separate men from women and children from parents. The young, old and sick are killed instantly. They are put to shower rooms and gassed to death. 


Wiesel,Elie. Night. NewYork:Bantam,1960.

Professional Web Page
"The Holocaust." Nazi Camp System. USHMM. April 9,2002 < http:www.ushm. oar/outreach/tc.htm>


Jewish prisoners at the Stuki concentration camp at forced labor running a railroad.

Prisoners and victims of the concentration camps.

Cemeteries of the handicap

Prisoners head south on a death march from concentration camp.

Student able to:

use colors and images very effectively.

cite sources in correct form.

use the Internet to do research.

present audience and purpose well

create her own hotlink

Student still needs help with:

including more details in the content

including sources of images and caption

using more than one font

including quotes