Nazis (what happened, the way people were treated)
By: Yasir

Nazi racism was wide spread during the Holocaust. Hitler feels that his adopted country, Germany was being humiliated, and was made helpless, and he felt that the politicians were doing nothing to help the situation. Hitler has formed the nazi party, which is against the republic; Hitler then claimed that Germany's ills were caused by the Jews and from there on, hatred for the Jews has been going on. Now it is time to put a stop to this violence. But Jewish 
people are not the only one's being killed. There are many different races being killed right now. We need help, to save all these innocent people. Many people have already been slaughtered, but with the help of you (the red cross) we can prevent more deaths. 

When Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, he had a dream to have an elite race called the Aryan, or “master race”. (Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia.) Hitler believed in racial purity. When Hitler got into power those ideas of his became the government's policy. Nazi's are known as the National Socialism, this is commonly known as Nazism. 

German Nazi's went into different countries in Europe where Jewish people and other different races are living. They are going into Norway, France, the Low Countries, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Greece, and there were maybe some more. Diplomatic negotiations were conducted to bring in effect the deportations. Once the Deportations started people were hauled off to the concentration camps. The conditions that they are being transported there with is horrible. It was very over crowded. The stench in the air is unbearable. 

When they were taken off the train if they weren't already lost, they got separated from one another. There are a lot of cases where the family (father and son, mother and daughter combination) are able to stay with one another. But when they were together I think they are suffered more pain, watching the other one get punished for something. The pain of a loved one getting beaten. There is large inmate population of both Jewish and Non-Jewish people. They are getting beaten whenever the prison guards felt like getting violent. Both of these groups are being employed by the labor industry in the camps. 

Some of the prisoners are being subjected to medical experiments, and sterilizations. Most of the inmates are dieing from starvation, disease, and shootings. To cover this up the Nazi's build large crematories so the bodies of the gassed would be incinerated. The people of the death camps are going through hell and people around the world are just turning a stiff neck. 

The concentration camps also gassed people as a death sentence for having a religion that Hitler and the nazi's do not like. People are suffered too much during this period of time, but as you read this right now many others are being killed, it just makes you stop and think how can someone inflict this kind of act against another Person, no matter what the race is. Please we all need your help Red Cross.

(Crematoriums stacks beside roll call square)

(prisoners waiting for disinfections)


Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia 1998

"Nazi's." Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H.M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.

"Nazi's." Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H. M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.

"Nazi's." Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H. M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.

"Nazi's." Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H. M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.

"THE NAZIS" Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H. M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.

"THE NAZIS SEIZE CONTROL 1933" Holocaust learning center. . U.S.H. M.M.. 4/20/02. <>.


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