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All Adults Around: The World stop these Nazi mobile killing squads!

by Rahsean Allen


This picture is displaying people the Nazis rounded up to kill.

I am informing all the Americans and adults around the world so this won't continue or happen again to anyone. What you are about to hear may shock you. You may also be disgusted but you must know of the horror that the Jews are enduring in their lives. I warn you always be alert and aware of these vicious and cruel Nazis.

Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. There was a new stage of Holocaust sweeping the Soviet Union taking them by storm. Hitler, the leader of the Nazis, had a new plan to exterminate Jews. He called it "Einsatzgruppen." Everyone else called it the mobile killing squads.

Under the cover of war and confident victory, the Germans turned from the forced emigration and imprisonment of Jews to mass murder. It was a horrible thing to witness and it was digusting thing to hear about also.

The Nazi police and units moved with speed on the heels of advancing Germanys army. Their job was to kill any Jew that entered or occupied Soviet territory. When there wasn’t many they moved to other places. The Nazis became blood hungry. Ukrainians, Latvians and Lithuainians, aided these German Mobile killing Squads.

The Mobile Killing Squads took the Jews by surprise. These Nazis entered the town or city and rounded up all the Jewish men, women, and children and sometimes infants. Since the Nazis came in as nice people the Jews did not fear them, How ironic was that? Some Jews even looked up to Hitler; they said " At least he keeps his promises."

They also took away Communist Party leaders and Roma(Gypsies) victims were forced to surrender any valuables and remove their clothing. The Jews did not understand why would anyone do this to a human being. (They were stripping them of their pride.)

The killing squads then marched their victims to open fields, forest and ravines on the outskirts of conquered towns. When they arrived to these ghost towns they shot them, beat them to death, burned them alive, gassed them in gas vans, and also stabbed them to death.

The mobile killing squads stopped the shooting because they felt that it was a waste of ammo. So they continued to burn them and beat them. They killed almost 70,000 people, They had to stop the killing in certain places, but they kept moving from place to place. leaving dead bodies everywhere. The Nazis felt no sympathy at all.

By this time the Jews knew about the Mobile Killing Squads. Those who didn’t know were told about them. But the Jews weren’t leaving they just stayed and continued to be brutalized. The mobile killing squads often tricked the Jews into believing that the Nazis were nice people when they first arrived. They lied.

The Jews asked themselves over and over what did they do to deserve this. Even worse why is everyone letting this go on. But the Jews kept praying. They were very religious. The Mobile Killing Squads put fear in their hearts. The Mobile Killing Squads are still on this killing rampage. And if you people don’t come now it may be too late. Don’t let this continue; please help them; they need a helping hand. Stop the mobile killing squads.


Wiesel , Elie. Night. NY. Bantam:1960

Professional Web Page
Mobile Killing Squads." . . USHMM. April 2002. <>.

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The Jews were forced to remove their clothing.

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These are the children who were seperated  from their parents who were about to die.

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This is a map of the locations of the mobile killing squads .

Student able to:

use fonts and colors very effectively and images very effectively.

cite sources in correct form.

use the Internet to do research.

present audience and purpose well

create own hotlink

Student still needs help with:

including more quotes