Teachers Network
Mrs. Anderson's Science Class

For the complete series of lesson plans on Darwin's theory of evolution, click HERE

For lesson plans on the modern theory of evolution, go HERE
             Charles Darwin

En este ensayoyo voi a hablar de la vida de Charles Darwin. Este ensayo ba espesialmente para la profesora Ms.Anderson. Tambie en este ensayo beremos como Dawin des cubrio que el mar en un tienpo estaba por ensima de algunas montanas que hoi en dias el mar esta por debajo de la montana.
         Charles Darwin era un nino que le gustaba estar con su padre.  Su papa era un doctor y tubo 5 hijos. Cuando Darwin tenia 13 anos estaba estudiando en una escuela. El estudiaba "simetria".  En el 1825 cuando tenia 16 lo mandoron a estudiar medicina, porque el papa queria qu fuera un doctor como el. Pero a Darwin no le gustaba ser doctor nadama le guetaba casar pajaritos. Ala edad de 22 ano tubo su primera novia pero se tuvo que ir a ecuador las 7 islas galapago. Cuando el staba en la siete islas galapago descubriomucho diferentes animales. Tambien Darwin descubrio que el mar algun tienpo estaba por encima de algunas montana porque algunas montanas tenian caracoles.
          Alunas teoria de Charles Darwing era seleccion natural.
Seleccion natural dice cual animal iba a vivir mejor. Por ejenplo las "girafa". Algunas de la girafa semorian mas tenrano que otra. Por ejenplo algunas girafa tenian el cuello largo y podian comer mas que la que teianel cuelo corto porque allavan mas comidas que las que tenian el cuello corto. Yde todos estos descubrimiento fue como Darwin llego hacer el padre dela evolucion.

Elvin Pinales

                                                                                                                                                        7 April2000
 Darwin era hijo de un doctor .  El papa de Darwin queria que el fuera un doctor pero a el no le gustaba .  Darwin era una persona sencible y no le gustaba ver la gente sufrir .  Darwin estudio por un tiempo medicina pero lo dejo. Darwin se estaba preparando para ser  un ministor en la iglesia .  Pero el estaba interesado en verdad en el estudio de la naturalesa .  En el 1831 la navegacion  britanica estaba a punto de enpesar un experimento de ciencia expedicion para ir a la costas del  sur America.  Ellos  hicieron este viaje para que las personas que pudieran  recoletaran fociles .  El papa de Darwin no queria que el fuera por que  habian ello viaje antes y alcuna jente morian . El barco que ellos usaron para este viaje se llamaba  Beagle.  Darwin sufrio mucho por que el era muy alto y el barco era demasiado pequeno para el .  El tenia que estar agallado .  Darwin tenia una novia pero ella se caso con otro por que Darwin se fue de biaje y no savia cuando iba a regresar .
 Darwin tenia 22 anos cuando el se fue  a este biaje.  El biaje duro 5 anos en esos anos Darwin recoleto fosiles de diferente  animales.  Darwin se dio cuenta de que los fosiles que el avia recoletado eran diferente todos pero tenian un poco paresido.  El tanbien se dio cuenta de que lo fosiles que el tenia no se paresian a los animales viviente.  Despues ellos fueron a las islas del  Galapago esta isla esta en el  Oceano pacifico.  Darwin encontro que abian muchas diferente  espesia de pajaro los pajaros se paresian mucho pero no eran los mismo.  Tanvien se fijo que estos pajaro tenian un paresido alo que estaban en la otra isla . Darwin iso unas observaciones en plantas, animale, insecto, y otras especies se dio cuenta de que tenian un parecido todas pera no eran lo mismo . Darwin regreso en el 1836 y el regreso con informaciones ,observasiones que soportaba hinpotecis pero el no podia escribir sus idea por que el no podia explicar como paso. Darwin pudo ser este recorido en el barco por que el era rico.
                                                                                                        Rosidelkis Rodriquez

 Jessenia Rivera                                                            4/7/00
Ms.Andeson                                                            F.K Lane

I'm writing my report on Charles Darwin.  Darwin was the son of a very well known, rich physician.  At the age of eight his mother died. His father taught him and his other siblings how to be a well mannered, persons. Charles entered school at the age of  thirteen. Darwin wasn't such a good student he thought school was boring and he had no interest in school.
I would say he was the thorn of the family.  At the age of sixteen his father put him in medical school.  That did not  work out at all. Well when it was time to go into the operating room to see how they worked.  Darwin saw how they operated on people without any anesthecia,  he could not stomach seeing a person getting cut open and screaming.  To him it was a freak show instead of an educational experience.
 His father then decided to put him in a university to get a degree in theology, to become a minister but he barely made it.  Darwin found out  that he was "clostrophobic" when he got on the H.M.S. Beagle. He convinced the captain that he was a naturalist,  which wasn't true. The H.M.S Beagle was to sail off for scientific  reasons so he said to himself "this is my opportunity to learn more on what I love."
 There in Ecuador he realized the epic of evolution.  His theory was that it all depended on the environment  the species lived in. The example that he used was birds, and the way there beaks were formed.He said that different kinds of birds had different kinds of beaks so they could survive. If the bird had a long beak it was meant to find food in hard to reach places.
Darwin wanted to show the way evolutin worked he thought. He knew plenty  on the topic but he hardly new anything about evolution.  There are still many other things Darwin never learned about evolution.

Biology        Luis Zarzuela
Ms. Anderson       04-19-2k

Essay on Darwin

 Darwin was eight when he lost his mother. He started school when he was thirteen. Darwin's father was a wealthy physician. Darwin has three sisters and one brother. Darwin was not so bright. He did not like to read because it was boring to him. His father sent him to medical school when he was sixteen but left because of what he saw. He saw people being operated awake. All the pain he saw those people feeling made him sick. The H.M.S beagle was a very large ship it was 90ft long and 24ft wide. But still Darwin thought it was small. He did not like it He was so rich he could make any voyage to any place he wanted. One of the places he went to was the Galapagos Islands. He went there to study "Finches" which are birds. He loved to study nature. One bad thing about Darwin is that he knew nothing about genetics. Darwin had 6 theories. Not all were true. Darwin thought his theories were true but they were false. Here are a few.
 Survival of the fittest-In the competition for existence, the individuals that are better adapted to their environment will have a greater chance of living long enough to reproduce.
 Natural Selection-Darwin realized that survival of the fittest can act as a kind of natural selection, similar to the artificial selection of plant and animal breeders.
 Over production-Most species produce far more offspring that are needed to maintain the population.
 Struggle for existence- Since living space and food are limited, the offspring in each generation must compete among themselves, and with other species too, for the necessities of life.