My Civil War Period Slavery Study

Christian Garcia
Ted's Class
April 7, 2003

This study of slavery was done using three sources of information.
Primary: We looked at slave narratives. They were from former slaves themselves. The Slave interviews were really interesting. All of the information came straight from a former slave.
Secondary: We read information from a book called "Fields Of Fury." This kind of info was fact after fact after fact. All factual information. There was a lot of information on different topics of the Civil War. Some information was about slavery and some was from the battles of the Civil War. There was information on different important figures in The Civil War, Such as: Jefferson Davis, Harriet Tubman and Ulysses S. Grant.
My responses: I enjoyed reading and writing about this subject. These times were cruel and hard for people My opinion made this project more interesting. It is boring to just write facts but when you write how you feel it is better for you and the reader. The opinion really counts in this kind of writing!

"From 1936 to 1938, over 2,300 former slaves from across the American South were interviewed by writers and journalists under the aegis of the Works Progress Administration. These former slaves, most born in the last years of the slave regime or during the Civil War, provided first-hand accounts of their experiences on plantations, in cities, and on small farms."
The Interviews

These interviews are in the collection of the Library of Congress.

I read the transcribed interview with Charity Anderson

It can be found at:

Click here to see my Inspiration web about Charity Anderson's life as a slave.