"Catching on to Catcher in the Rye"

lessons on The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


Developed by Sandy Scragg

Dear Abby, Love Holden:

Students must write a response to this letter to Dear Abby as if they were Abby herself.

What advice can they offer Holden at this stage in his life?


DEAR ABBY: I can't seem to do anything right these days. I just got expelled from school-and this has been the 3rd school I've been in during my years in high school. I decided to just leave school right away instead of waiting for vacation to officially start, and I'm currently hiding out for a few days in New York. While my school problems are certainly bothering me a lot, I also seem to be very confused where girls are concerned. A girl I had a crush on for years just went out with my roommate who is a very sexy bastard, and I feel that something may have happened between them. I just can't seem to get it together with any girls. I called up this one girl and though she seemed interested, I messed up, and ruined the chance to get together with her. Then, I was in this club with these three girls, and they treated me awful-they were ignoring everything I said and then let me pick up the check for all three of them! Girls really drive me crazy. Abby, what can I do to start solving some of my problems with girls and school?



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