Literary Elements in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller

Group 4:
Jackie, Kevin, Rita, Irene

IRONY-Abigail claimed to be so "pure" and "holy" when she was accusing innocent people of witchcraft and sending them to their deaths, she also had an affair with a married man. Also, what was ironic is that Abigail started all of this to get John Proctor and he wound up dead. Children, usually thought of as innocent, were accusing people of witchcraft. Hale was brought in to find witches but in the end, he started defending people.

DIALOGUE-Miller uses dialogue to create the plot and characters of the play. The whole play is based on dialogue, we judge characters based on their lines

CONFLICT-When Reverend Parris saw the girls dancing in the woods, he didn't want anyone to know that his daughter & niece were among those dancing because he felt it would jeopardize his name and reputation. Also between Abigail & John. Abigail was accusing everyone while Proctor was trying to save everyone. All she wanted was for John Proctor to love her again.

SUSPENSE-Toward the end of the play, suspense began to build when John Proctor had to decide between saving his life or keeping his dignity.

MOOD-scared, anxious, paranoid

FORESHADOWING-Mary Warren warns the Proctors that Elizabeth's name was mentioned in the court-this foreshadowed the arrest of Elizabeth Proctor.

MOTIVATION-Abigail's motivation was to have John Proctor.

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