Background & Setting for

The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller

Group members: Tiffani, Ruth, Kimberly, Wafa, Maria & Nerissa

-The witch trials took place in 1692.
-The Puritans arrived from England on the Mayflower.
-They dressed simply in dull colors like black, white, and grey.
-Their community was a theocracy (ruled by religion)
-Puritans believed in witchcraft, which was considered a pact with the devil.
-Middle-aged women of low social classes with strong personalities were often accused of witchcraft.
-People accused of witchcraft were punished by excommunication from the church or by being hanged.
-The people in Salem were strict and religious people.
-The Puritans came to colonial America to get religious freedom.
-The Puritans had strong beliefs against dancing, reading other books besides the Bible, and playing games.
- To the Puritans, their names were their reputations.



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