Teachers Network

East is East Question sheet


Scene 1: Opening Credits/ Ceremony


How does this scene show the differences between the father and his children (specific events)?




Is there any proof that the father really loves his kids?




Why do you have compassion for the kids?




Why do you have compassion for the father?




Scene 2: Getting ready for school


What does the father want them to do? Why do you think they can’t appreciate it?





Scene 3: Going to Bradford


How is Bradford different than where they live?




How would their lives differ if they lived there?




How does this separation cause a rift in the relationship between the father and his children?





Do the kids have any cultural identity? Why or why not?




Evidence of the problems in mixed marriages.




Scene 4: Disco Dancing


How and why do the kids try to fit in with their surroundings? Does it cause them to lose their cultural identity? How?





Scene 5: Uncovering a Secret


Who do you have compassion for? Why?






Scene 6: Communication Problems


Explain what the problem is and why you think it has occurred.