Teachers Network

Lesson 3

Aim: How does the modern world affect tradition?

Objectives: Students will gain an understanding of why traditions tend to fade as time moves on and they will be able to represent the causes of fading traditions in a visual manner.

Materials: Copy of the article "Looking for My Prince Charming" by Shalmali Pal; Cause and Effect worksheet 

1. Read the article Looking for My Prince Charming by Shalmali Pal. Use the critical thinking questions as procedure in asking students to identify ideas. You may use the guided reading technique of asking students questions as you read along.

2. Fill out cause/effect chart. (bottom half-what causes traditions to fade?) See student sample 1/student sample 2

3. Hand out cultural identity worksheets and have students answer questions. (Teacher note: you want students to understand the importance of needing to fit in to the society which they live in to feel accepted. This causes problems between parents and children) See student sample

3. Free write: why do traditions fade? (Students should respond to this idea based on their feelings from the cause/effect chart and the cultural identity worksheet)

4. In groups share-discuss with class.

Summary: Discuss how the article was a clear representation of the idea that traditions fade as time moves on. Link this idea back to "Marriage is a Private Affair" and why Shalmali's parents may have reacted differently than Okeke's to the idea of dating outside one's race.

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