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Create an on-line newspaper based on:  Witness for the Prosecution,
a play by Agatha Christie


The London Times October14,1954  ( Taken from the story Witness of the Prosecution by Agatha Christie)
We have all  your favorite jewelry  Kenbia jewelry call- 123-4567
VETERAN ACCUSED OF MURDER! Vole pictured here w/wife
London, England on Oct 12 Miss Emily French was found murdered in her residence. Officials say that the cause of death was a blow to the head. The prime suspect is Leonard Vole, a close friend of Miss French and a veteran of WW2. Police were led to him with clues from Miss French's housekeeper Greta. This is a mystery because as her neighbor said, "they were two peas in a pod. He would never do something like that." The prosecuting attorney is Myers. Officials are still looking for clues. If you have any info, please call, (123) 456-7890 (Leonard is pictured above with his wife)
Obituaries                                         Two days ago Miss  Emily  French was found dead in her apartment. She was a nice woman with no family. She was an avid member of the Tea Time Assoc. for Women and a large donator to the Salvation Army. Her neighbors say that she always had a smile on her face and good intentions in her heart. Ms. French was 56 years old. She grew up in downtown London with her mum and dad Kate and John French. Ms. French also attended the London College and has a master's degree in social services. She is pictured on the right. 

Mr.Tom smith died yesterday in his favorite place. His fishing boat. Mary Smith, his wife, said that he went out fishing for the day. Cost guards found him in his boat several hours later. He died of a heart attack while trying to catch a fish. 

Letters to the Editor       

Dear Editor,

I enjoy reading your articles very much! They keep me informed and give me a jump on the day ahead. What I haven't seen yet is the case of Vole v. London. It is a very interesting case. Do you think you can print a story of it? 


                                                        Mary Buhler

Dear Mary,

Yes, the case of Vole vs. London is very interesting. And just for our favorite reader, you will receive a free London Times shirt and the article you've been waiting for.


Have a question about our paper? Write to the editor!  2345 Main St., London, England 10749

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