Auschwitz: Entrance
This is the rail entrance to Birkenau, the biggest Concentration Camp belonging to the Nazis. Past the gate is what is generally known as "the ramp", It is where Jewish people, mostly, men women and children, were unloaded and sent either directly to the gas chambers, or to slave labor.
Unloading Ramp
This is the unloading ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. After a selection by an SS physician, their occupants were sent to a quick death in the gas chambers or to a slower, more agonizing one as slave laborers

Watch Tower

Just over the unloading ramp at Birkenau, it awaits for runaways, looking for prey.

Sleeping Barracks

Sleeping Barrack where Jews are bunched up by 4 in each bed.

Slave Labor

The gate at BIb where women prisoners were marched from their barracks to and from slave-labor.


There is no privacy here. Prisoners were often affected with typhus and other diarrhea-producing illnesses. The latrines in this barrack serviced seventeen barracks in BIIa , quarantine; about seven thousand prisoners.


Barbed wire around the camp to make sure no one escapes, with lights around for the night time.

Gas Chamber

This is the roof of an underground gas chamber. The back chamber, here in the foreground, is used for gassing people from smaller transports. The low structure to the right is the area behind the five furnaces where the ventilations system and single chimney are.

"The Pond"

Into this pond the ashes of many tens of thousands of people are dumped, mostly Jews, who are gassed in crematories.

Dump Site

This is where the Jews are being thrown after they die of hunger and diseases. This is so unhumane, how can anyone do this.