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Calling all the people of the world to stop the killing of innocent people

by Junior Henry

Aerial photograph showing the gas chamber and crematoria 2 and 3 at the auschwitz-birkenau (Auschwitz 2)        extermination camp. Auschwitz Poland August 25 , 1944.                                                                            

Killing Centers

This story may be a little disturbing for people who have lost their family members.In the first selection innocent people were chosen to be killed and some was chosen to work in labor Camp. The babies, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, the handicap and the sick had little chance of surviving.

The people who was chosen to be killed were sent to a gas chamber. To prevent panic the guards told the people that they were going to take a shower to get rid of the lice. After the people were dead who would carry the bodies to nearby room were the guards would take their belongings gold teeth, hair and fillings. After that the bodies were burned in the oven in the crematory or buried in mass graves.

Many people profited from the killing. Camp guards stole some of the gold; the rest was melted down and deposited in an SS bank accounts . Private business firms bought and used the hair to make many products, including ship rope and mattresses.

The people who were sent to the gas chamber were sent in this room with air tight metal door that was bolted shut before gas could enter the room. While the gas was entering the room the SS would observe the killing by looking through peephole in the upper center of the door.

In some places the Jews were forced in a ravine before they were executed. When they were dead the mobile killing squads looked through their possessions.

The Nazis liked the gassing because it was cleaner and more "efficient" than shooting. "Gassing also spared the killers the emotional stress many" many mobile killing squad had felt shooting people face to face.

The killing centers were in semi-rural isolated areas fairly well hidden from people.  They were located near major railroad lines allowing trains to transport hundreds of thousands of people to the killing sites.

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Members of Einsatzkommando 4a (mobile killing squad 4a) looking through possession at babi yar ,a ravine near kiev. soviet union , september 29-30,1914 (www   

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 A group of children just before they were executed by an Einsatkommando (mobile killing squad). soviet union , wartime.(

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 A view of babi yar , a ravine where Einsatzgrupper (mobile killing units) shot tens of thousands of Jews , as well as roma (gypsies) and soviet prisoners of war , near Kiev , soviet union , date uncertain.

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use fonts, colors and images very effectively.

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including more details in the content

cite sources in correct form.

including quotes