In order to succeed in school it is important to attend on a regular basis. Each day that you miss you fall behind in your school work and have to work twice as hard to make up lost time. Save your time and only miss school for important reasons. It is especially important to schedule vacations around school holidays so that you don’t miss several days in a row. Lucky for you there are 25 days provided for vacations and other time off.

School / Employee Holidays

Veterans’ Day (Thur) November 11, 2004
No School (Fri) November 12, 2004
Thanksgiving (Thur-Fri) November 25-26, 2004
Winter Recess (10 days) December 20-31
King’s Birthday (Mon.) January 17, 2005
Lincoln’s Birthday (Mon.) February 14, 2005
Washington Birthday (Mon.) February 21, 2005
Spring Recess March 28 - April 1, 2005
Memorial Day (Mon.) May 30, 2005

Participation counts for 10 percent of your grade in this class. Your attendance will be directly reflected in your participation in class. For instance, if you have 900 out of a possible 1000 points, you are getting an A. Then at the end of the semester your participation grade is added. In this example 100 points are possible for participation.

Days Absent ________________________Percentage

0-5-------------------------------------- 10%
6-8--------------------------------------- 8%
9-11-------------------------------------- 6%
12-14------------------------------------- 4%
15-17------------------------------------- 2%
18 + -------------------------------------- 0%

Points Earned (1000 Possible) ______Days Missed_________ Participation Points ______Grade (1100 Possible)

Student A ------------900------------------- 5(10%)---------------------100---------------------------- 1000 A
Student B ------------900------------------- 9(6%)----------------------- 60------------------------------ 960 B
