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How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom: Science Online

Eric Hendrickson

Presque Isle High School
Presque Isle,  ME

You can reach Eric at: hendrie@mail.sad1.k12.me.us 

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Science Online

Science educators looking to increase the level of excitement and enthusiasm among their students should look no further. "Science Online" is a rural high school science teacher's instrument to make science education real and exciting for his students, many of whom have difficulty relating the study of chemistry to real world applications. Seeking a way to get his students to "buy into" his course, this teacher selects a different course theme each year based on student interest. Each theme, such as automobiles, rivers, skiing, or speleology (underworld and cave chemistry), becomes a scientific and interdisciplinary inquiry based on experiences students encounter in their daily lives.

Using a theme allows students to study science while they are doing science. . In the past, students had to rely primarily on their textbook and their teacher's expertise for information. Using the Internet, they may contact professional scientists who actually conduct cave exploration. Taking this idea further, their teacher decided to create a virtual textbook with links to useful web sites. Online glossaries, photo collections, training manuals, maps, and more provide students with a complete, virtual textbook....

.This site has helped students to study chemistry in a way that he-and they-never thought was possible.

I am proud to report that the number of students taking elective chemistry has increased yearly, and many former students have continued with caving as a life skill. 

Check out Eric Hendrickson's lesson plan, Molecular Polarity and his essay. 


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